Little M, Ready to goGoGO!

I read and write for the same reason—for the adventure and to see what’s going to happen next.

My first professional writing happened in the world of finance, which is fairly hilarious because I am not good with money.  That’s not true.  I am very good at spending it but not at managing it.  I’ve usually figured, “Spend it now, M!  You may get hit by a bus tomorrow.

A big-wheel in the newspaper industry said to me, “I have never read a humorous financial column.  Let’s syndicate it.”  I said, “It’s totally bizarre that there isn’t one out there, because the only thing funnier than sex is money.”

Then what I thought might happen did—the bus hit.  I fell in love, left my rat-infest marriage in the dust, road-tripped all over the place, was hounded by a P.I., and told fortunes in Mexican laundromats.  Writing fiction was the next logical step.

My world, for generations, was filled with bold women who turned their backs on the color beige.  They painted their lives in bright colors and didn’t stop because they had a few miles upon years under their belts.  Those women live in my books, and they write themselves.

I still want to know what’s going to happen next.