Archives for November 2013

Lucia St. Clair Robson, Pro Writer and a Warm Heart

“Few novelists working now have a better grasp of early American history than Robson.”–Kirkus Reviews on Shadow Patriots We’re fortunate, very fortunate. We have some writer friends, quite a few of them, that are real artists. They bring us, and their other readers, glory, joy, and deep insight through their books. Plus, we have great […]

Need Inspiration? Ten Fail-safe Tips.

  You’re staring at the blank screen. You’ve got mud mind. Your brain is fried. Doctor, doctor, I’ve got writer’s block. Stop. Giving it that name makes it worse. You’re just stuck. Ten tips for jolting your creativity free: 1. Go for a walk. For me this one has been fail-safe. Discovered doing a four […]

Fear of the Blank Page be Gone!

Suffering from writer’s block? Afraid of the blank page, virtual or real? Let’s figure that out, and get past it. 1) Don’t get into an arm-wrestling contest with your story. Did it take a turn that led you down a dicey, unfamiliar alley? Celebrate! Yes, that creates Please follow and like us:

Pick One. Show or Tell?

In any fiction-writing class, writers hear these words over and over, “Show, don’t tell.” We were intrigued last week to see my friend Richard Wheeler, a first-rate novelist, declare that he believes in “Tell, don’t show.” He says it gets more story into fewer words, and cites nineteenth masters like Charles Dickens and Joseph Conrad […]

Three Ways to Make Blogging a Breeze. (No Kidding!)

Some writers do it, and they don’t get results. Some complain that they’re out of ideas, and they let it go. But, others dash into the fray with flags flying. These are the word warriors who use their voices and find their reading audience. You can get that blog post done, you can write it […]

A Top Ten Truth

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Stop! The Last Five Steps Before Manuscript Submission


Okay, you’ve gone to the mat with your manuscript for months or years, and you’ve finally won the match with yourself. Your book gleams like a Rolls Royce. You’re throbbing with desire to submit it.

STOP! It needs more work.
Filed Under: Edit your manuscript, Get your book ready for publication, How to Write a Professional Manuscript Tagged With: , , , ,