Your Creative Writing Checklist

Sometimes I read analyses of creativity. My experience is that they don’t help people be creative.

Reading Masters and Johnson is informative about sex. It will not give you an experience of an ecstatic act of love. Studying diagrams of waltz movements tells us what steps we should take. It doesn’t give us the feeling of a lovely dance. Reading instructions about improving you golf swing will not give you fine feeling of a good drive.

Here’s a checklist to give your creative writing wings.

Finding the RIGHT word

“The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug.” –Mark Twain Please follow and like us:

Become a Professional Writer

    There are three rules for becoming rules becoming a professional writer: 1) Write every day. 2) Write every day. 3) Write every day.                                                             […]

Create Dynamic Characters ~ Interview Them

Interview people who don’t exist? Yes. Interview people who have been dead for a hundred years? Right. Interview people who won’t be born for another five hundred years, and then will have beakers and test tubes for parents? Exactly.

You’ll be knocked down by what you find out. Especially if you obey the first rule of interviewing—keep your mouth shut.

What Happens When You Really Get Wild?

“I can always get distracted by love, but eventually I get horny for my creativity.” — Gilda Radner

Watch this great clip of Gilda Radner — for inspiration. This weekend go out, stir up trouble, be ecstatic.

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Ten Ways To Get An Idea When You’re Stuck

I’ve done a lot of things that work to get my writing rolling and some things that didn’t work. Here are ten I like. All of them operate on a single principle.

Don’t think about the question you want answered. LET IT HAPPEN. When you get an idea, quit and go straight to the keyboard. And… Read on!

WHAT IF? An Eavesdropping Exercise — Have Fun This Friday!

A fun writing exercise:

Do you eavesdrop, make up stories about these strangers, what kind of place they live, what their jobs are, if they have kids?

Hello, you must be a writer!

Here is our Friday What IF? fun exercise. Enjoy!


Start Writing Now. Just Do It.

Every day of your life there is a story, sitting in your lap or curled inside your heart, that is waiting to be told. There is also love, food, dancing, joy, and mysteries to be part of. But that is another story.

You be the midwife. Birth the story. Breathe life into it. If you’re not doing that, then we ask you:


What if? Friday. How to Start Your Book.

We’re starting March out right. We’re going to give you a series of helpful cues each week. It’s called WHAT IF? Friday. We could call them exercises, but that word sounds like work. Call these jumper cables for your writing, or Kiwi juice for your imagination – we’d prefer that.

Your first WHAT IF? is about beginnings. The beginnings of stories, to be exact. Here are the tools. Now, let your imagination off the leash!
Filed Under: Creativity and Writing, How to start a book, Pro Writer's Blog, WHAT IF? Friday, Writing Exercise Tagged With: , , , , ,

The Reason NOT to Market Your Book

Read on for the real-deal about social marketing …You have weighed the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing and you’ve taken the leap. Congratulations! Now you just sit back and wait while folks beat down doors to grab your book. Not happening? We’re here to help change that.

Mark Twain’s Dare

    “The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug.”  — Mark Twain Please follow and like us:

Need Inspiration? Ten Fail-safe Tips.

  You’re staring at the blank screen. You’ve got mud mind. Your brain is fried. Doctor, doctor, I’ve got writer’s block. Stop. Giving it that name makes it worse. You’re just stuck. Ten tips for jolting your creativity free: 1. Go for a walk. For me this one has been fail-safe. Discovered doing a four […]

Three Ways to Make Blogging a Breeze. (No Kidding!)

Some writers do it, and they don’t get results. Some complain that they’re out of ideas, and they let it go. But, others dash into the fray with flags flying. These are the word warriors who use their voices and find their reading audience. You can get that blog post done, you can write it […]

A Top Ten Truth

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