Finding the RIGHT word

“The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug.” –Mark Twain Please follow and like us:

The Reason NOT to Market Your Book

Read on for the real-deal about social marketing …You have weighed the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing and you’ve taken the leap. Congratulations! Now you just sit back and wait while folks beat down doors to grab your book. Not happening? We’re here to help change that.

Three Big Publishing Secrets and Surprises

  Our current wrap-up on print versus indie publishing will hold some surprises, and every element is important in your decision-making process.  So, listen up, and read the entire blog, plus the past blogs, before you make up your mind about which path to choose. Stay with us.  We’ll continue to chime in on this […]

Go Crazy and Get a Life

  Pulitzer-Prize winner James Michener gave me this piece of advice: No matter what, don’t give up your day job until you’re sure of enough writing income. I say to you, to hell with that. Go crazy, throw caution to the winds, turn your security into chipped beef, hurl yourself into WRITE-WRITE-WRITE mode, and end […]

Pro Writer’s Blog


It’s coming soon, and then you’ll want to SIGN UP FOR THE PRO WRITERS’ BLOG.

Why? It’s shop talk. Conversation among pro writers, developing writers, and beginning writers about the entire universe of writing and publishing. Books, movies, magazine articles, everything. Trading ideas with people who understand–other writers. A coffee klatch with colleagues.