What Happens When You Really Get Wild?

“I can always get distracted by love, but eventually I get horny for my creativity.” — Gilda Radner

Watch this great clip of Gilda Radner — http://tinyurl.com/k9jfxm7 for inspiration. This weekend go out, stir up trouble, be ecstatic.

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Start Writing Now. Just Do It.

Every day of your life there is a story, sitting in your lap or curled inside your heart, that is waiting to be told. There is also love, food, dancing, joy, and mysteries to be part of. But that is another story.

You be the midwife. Birth the story. Breathe life into it. If you’re not doing that, then we ask you:


It’s Easy to Make Sense of Change

 “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance.” –Alan Watts ENJOY THE NEW PUBLISHING DANCE! — Meredith and Win   Please follow and like us:

Pro Writer’s Blog


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Why? It’s shop talk. Conversation among pro writers, developing writers, and beginning writers about the entire universe of writing and publishing. Books, movies, magazine articles, everything. Trading ideas with people who understand–other writers. A coffee klatch with colleagues.