Your Creative Writing Checklist

Sometimes I read analyses of creativity. My experience is that they don’t help people be creative.

Reading Masters and Johnson is informative about sex. It will not give you an experience of an ecstatic act of love. Studying diagrams of waltz movements tells us what steps we should take. It doesn’t give us the feeling of a lovely dance. Reading instructions about improving you golf swing will not give you fine feeling of a good drive.

Here’s a checklist to give your creative writing wings.

Become a Professional Writer

    There are three rules for becoming rules becoming a professional writer: 1) Write every day. 2) Write every day. 3) Write every day.                                                             […]

Start Writing Now. Just Do It.

Every day of your life there is a story, sitting in your lap or curled inside your heart, that is waiting to be told. There is also love, food, dancing, joy, and mysteries to be part of. But that is another story.

You be the midwife. Birth the story. Breathe life into it. If you’re not doing that, then we ask you:


What if? Friday. How to Start Your Book.

We’re starting March out right. We’re going to give you a series of helpful cues each week. It’s called WHAT IF? Friday. We could call them exercises, but that word sounds like work. Call these jumper cables for your writing, or Kiwi juice for your imagination – we’d prefer that.

Your first WHAT IF? is about beginnings. The beginnings of stories, to be exact. Here are the tools. Now, let your imagination off the leash!
Filed Under: Creativity and Writing, How to start a book, Pro Writer's Blog, WHAT IF? Friday, Writing Exercise Tagged With: , , , , ,